First Ob appt tomrrow!



I am approx 8’weeks pregnant. Wondering what I should expect at my first OB appt tomrrow?

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At my first one they took urine swabbed me and did a transvaginal ultrasound to see what the baby was measuring and get the heartbeat. The doctor asked if i had any questions or concerns gave me prenatal samples. They also went over medical history and took my height and weight.


Robin • Feb 26, 2019
My guess is stds i was so excited to see my baby i was only half listening


Andrea. • Feb 26, 2019
What do they swab for


Posted at
My first appt they did a pregnancy test, an exam since I was due for one anyways and reviewed pregnancy plan/appointments. This was at 6+5 and then they scheduled an ultrasound for 8+1


Posted at
Thanks for this post but is it a ob intake appt? I have one today


Posted at
Thank you both


Posted at
My first appointment was at 9 weeks. At my office I got an ultrasound, they drew blood and I left a urine sample. We did a family history of my side and husband's side. Then the doctor did an overview of what to expect at all the future appointments, what testing is offered and when, date of anatomy scan, glucose test, vaccines. She also went over symptoms that I may experience and when to call them if I think something is not feeling right.


Heather • Feb 26, 2019
I also got a pap smear and a breast exam.