Finance through dealer or auto loan from bank?


Sorry it's kinda alot.

So I've been doing a little research on which is better and out of all the articles I've read they seem to be about equal.

With your bank or credit union you get one quote but they're more likely to work with you if you happen to fall behind on payments.

A dealer on the other hand can provide multiple but it can be higher as that's how the dealer makes money and they aren't as willing to work with you if payments are a little late.

I'm looking into getting a Nissan versa note as my brother has one and absolutely loves it in all aspects.

I've done some window shopping online and have found a 2015 for $6,800 with roughly 70k miles.

It's a pretty snazzy looking car if you ask me and will have plenty of room for storage.

So a little background on me.. I'm pregnant and am due in early July or late June. My due date is July 5th but women in my family tend to give birth sooner.

I've got a job and am paid 9.25 an hour (possibly getting a raise) and work roughly 35-40 hours a week.

If I give birth closer to my due date then I've got approximately 19 weeks to either save money or make payments before I'm out of work..

I've got no money saved up as a relationship I was in prior to all this drained my bank account and left me with a negative balance (which has even paid and now I've got about 500 in bank)

I also have no credit.

I don't spend alot of money as it is since I grew up being frugal and I have no debt. I eat at work to save on groceries 🤷‍♀️ and carpool with friends when I can't use my mom's car since I still live at home.

As for baby items my large items have either already been bought by myself or are being gifted by family members.

Im just trying to figure out what's best to do.. get the car now through either my bank or dealer or just wait and save money till after baby is born.. not having a car now really restricts the hours I can work and even the places I can work.

Also yes I realize I can get a cheaper car but I need a car that will last me 10+ years. I don't want to get a car that is already 10+ years old with hundreds of thousands of miles.. I've looked into all sorts and believe what I've picked is the best option for me