I hate my neighbor


I have lived in this house for 14 years.

9 years ago jerks moved in,ive had so many issues I've had to call the police and animal control on them.

It's been pretty quiet for 2years now but now the fence is falling.

It's a shared fence and the responsibility is 50/50 .

We already took the steps and getting a quote.

My boyfriend was in the backyard and the neighbor comes out asking if we are renters or owners, asked for our address and said if we dont fix the fence soon he is calling it in and reporting us.

😂😂😂😂😂😂 well goodluck to him.

He can call the city and he will be told, its 50/50 ..

He can call the hoa and he will be told its 50/50 .

The guy we have that is going to replace the fence is going to go talk to them about their part of the cost.

When their aggressive dog chewed the fence up,i said nothing.

When the fence was falling into my yard they said nothing.

When the fence started falling into their yard,now they have an issue 😂😂🙄