I want to have sex

I am 13 and I just feel like I want to have sex all the time, there is this boy at school and when ever I see him I just want to rip his clothes of a have sex with him. I always have really graphic sex dreams about him and I literally get so horny when I see him. Last week, one of the boys at school showed me his dick picks that he had in his my eyes on snapchat and now it just makes me want to have sex with him even more. I turn 14 next week and everyone else at school is having sex but that isn’t the reason I want to.

I don’t know why I feel like this but when <a href="https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.glow.android.eve">eve</a> I see him I literally want to suck him off and for him to lick me out. He told me that he watches loads of porn and I know that he always keeps a condom in his wallet so if we did have sex, it would be protected. But we aren’t even together or talking, he thinks that we are just friends but I would at least want to be ‘friends with benefits’.