Should I be worried?


Ok mamas.... I have a concern that’s really bothering me. My son is almost 19 months old... we had his 18 month appt in the beginning of February and our pediatrician was a complete ass. Anyway, we filled out the questionnaire and answered everything honestly. Baby boy is hitting all his milestones except for communication. His appointment was Feb 8. The dr turned to us and coldly told us our son needs to be evaluated for speech.... ok... we asked if he could explain. He said that someone would come to the house from early intervention and observe our son in his comfort zone... ok... no biggie. But then he got very nasty with us because my husband was asking him questions about EI. He wanted more information and asked the dr what my son was lacking in. So when the dr explained, my husband asked that if before getting anyone else involved, if there was anything we could be doing differently or better with our son, if there were any exercises we should be doing, and if there was any other way before bringing in someone from a state or county run program. (My husband had a horrible childhood with state and county run programs because of shit his mother pulled on him and his sister when she went batshit crazy.) this doctor flat out called my husband an idiot and said “I’m the dr, I know what’s best” while my husband was trying to explain the situation to him, and also trying to admit his own fault in it as he’s home with our son all day and works at night. The doctor also yelled at my husband that there was no other choice and that someone will be coming to our house whether we liked it or not. The only things are: our son was saying 6 words instead of 8, not stringing together at least two words, and because when I tell him to get his ball he doesn’t listen. Now, it’s been about 2 and a half weeks, no phone call from the dr, no phone call from EI, nothing. And my son has started getting the toys we ask him to bring us and has started saying more words. My husband admitted he was being lazy and just letting our son play all day instead of working with him, and has since changed that and makes sure he’s constantly trying to teach our son. And our son is picking up on it. Do I really need to worry about someone just randomly showing up? Do I really need to worry about my son’s communication? I think the dr jumped the gun and was completely out of line for speaking to my husband the way he did. And I was there for it, so I know it’s not just something my husband exaggerated. I just was taken aback by the way this dr was acting. I’m already not a fan of this guy from previous appointments, but he was the only dr available for this one. I’m rambling and probably not making much sense even though what I wrote makes sense in my head 😂... please help mamas!