Taking care of my man child 👶🏼

I have the worlds laziest husband. I’m sure a lot of people think this, and maybe I’m over reacting but I’m going to the bathroom listening to our newborn SCREAM while he plays games on his phone. She’s been screaming for about 5 minutes, with no end in sight.

As for earlier today... I’ve been home for 8 weeks (I go back next week) and I’ve been doing my job and keeping the house clean. However, after a couple weeks I stopped picking up his side of the bed because I am not his mother. So today, after 4 weeks he cleaned his side of the bed which resulted in: 13 empty water bottles, 6 dinner plates, 4 empty chip bags, 3 popcorn bowls, countless pop cans and a bunch of half eaten snacks. So that’s where our dishes went. 🤢

He proceeded to the kitchen and put everything in the already almost full garbage and walked away. I took my butt to the kitchen and pulled out the garbage, and half of what he put in fell onto the floor because it was so full. At this point I’m ready to rip my hair out. I bring the garbage out while telling him I’m frustrated. When I come inside, he’s immediately mad at me for calling him lazy.

On top of this, he’s constantly throwing his clothes around on various parts of our house, leaving empty boxes in the cupboard or fridge, hasn’t done a load of his laundry in the 4 years we’ve been together, leaves beard shavings EVERYWHERE. And asking him to do a task? I may as well ask him to break his own arm. Taking care of the baby is the HARDEST TASK. If she poops, he sets her down and waits for me.

Not to bring sex into it, but let’s just say as long as he’s taken care of, his job is done ✅

Talk to him about my frustrations you say? Oh yes, I’ve tried. Only to be yelled at, I tell him I’m not his mother and he says “I know you’re not, but then why are you acting like it?” LADIES. Somebody give me advice on what I can do to help my man child who’s mother apparently didn’t teach him how to take care of himself because I am ready to walk out of that door. 🚪 👋🏼