Could I be having pregnancy symptoms right now?

Has anyone had symptoms this early? AF is due in six days, we’re currently TTC and had intercourse every day of my fertile cycle. We had intercourse everyday since AF ended actually, and on my more fertile days it was multiple times a day.. We also used PreSeed & did the whole legs up for 10-15 mins or stay still after intercourse bit.

I’ve been feeling nauseous. This is day 3 now. No vomiting, only nausea. Slight cramping occasionally during sex. Position depending and I didn’t have that before. Day 2 having a white creamy discharge. I looked up early pregnancy discharge on google, and mine matched it exactly. It looked exactly like the photos, but of course I won’t be going on that. Other than that, I’ve been tired a bit more & today I’ve been super emotional. Is it possible that I’m already having symptoms?? Did anyone else have them this early or am I just crazy...