Can't sleep HELP


I am a 2nd time mommy but everything with this pregnancy is different, even the position of the placenta. With my first the placenta was in front therefore I never really felt much and when it was time, I only felt like I had to go poop really bad. This time (or at least right now) I've been having kind of regular contractions that have been increasing in strength. I had an appt this morning (yesterday morning now I guess since it's currently 1am) and had a cervix check. She said I was 3cm dilated, baby was low, and cervix was thin but since it was the first check, she had no baseline to go on so she couldn't say if it was progress or not. Still having pretty strong contractions and trying to sleep but everytime I get close, I feel my belly get really tight and the pressure starts to amp up. I feel it in my lower abdomen and lower back about 8ish minutes apart and 1 minute long with pressure down below. I've also felt like pooping all day with 1 small successful poop. Thinking about calling in the morning as I have no desire to wake my sleeping 3yo and drive up the hill to the hospital in the snow at 2am. Also, I'm scheduled to work tomorrow afternoon so I kind of need to know if I'm gonna be calling out or continuing life as normal. 38 weeks and 3 days.

UPDATE: 4 hours later, still feeling contractions that are now even closer together. Fell asleep finally so no average time for this set yet. Going to wake up SO soon to get ready to leave.

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You poor momma! I don’t blame you for the drive and chaos of dealing withL&D! Even though there is no baseline, I would call it progress. Some women can be zero cm dilated and go into labor same day....I would say if your contractions stay consistent for 2-3 hours, I’d make that call, even if they are 8 min apart, good news is, you do have a baseline now! If you have to call in, it is what it is.....but I’d take care of you and baby before attending to your job! Best of luck honey!


Posted at
I am wishing you well! I can’t sleep either 🙄 I am Due March 18th and so ready for this baby to come any time now ...