

I didn’t think I was in the third trimester yet, but according to my OB I’ve been in the third trimester for a little over a week now. I’m 25+2 today. I’ve been nesting a lot lately, and I finally decided to clean out my night stand drawers. While cleaning it out, I found a paper from my OB that has info about pregnancy, and it states that the first trimester lasts from your last period through the 12th week of pregnancy. The second trimester lasts from the 13th week of your pregnancy through the 23rd week. The third trimester lasts from your 24th week of pregnancy until your baby is born, so apparently I’m already in my third trimester.

Should I go by my OB and say I’m in my third trimester? Would you? Does anyone else’s OB go by pregnancy trimesters this way? When do you consider yourself to be officially in the third trimester?