I'm not sure..

I'm not sure what this is considered as but I really need to get it off my chest. When I was in 7th grade(it's been 5 years since this happened) I was in band with 2 of my close guy friends. I know one of them wanted to sleep with me because he was always joking around about me giving him a lap dance or sucking his dick but I always told him no. One day we were moving chairs from the band hall to the auditorium for a show we had that night. (The band hall and auditorium were connected by a hallway with one door on each end) I was on my way back to the band hall and the guys trapped me against a wall and tried to force me to sleep with them.. I blacked out but all I remember is walking away from the auditorium and going home. I'm not sure what this would classify as or if I'm just overreacting but now everytime I try and sleep with a guy all I see is when I was trapped against the wall, I always end up having a panic attack and never sleep with them in the end..

Am I overreacting? I don't know if it happened because of how I dressed(I feel like I dressed normal, in jeans and a t-shirt) maybe my jeans and shirt were too tight? Or maybe I led them on without knowing..? I don't know.. I'm sorry if reading this was a waste of your time.. I just really needed to get it off my chest.. have a nice day.