Csection vs. vaginal

Samantha • Proud wife 💍 Teacher 🍎 Baby #1 on the way 🤰🤱

I feel like I’m stuck making the hardest decision of my life and just want some opinions. Tomorrow I will be 40 weeks! When I first got pregnant my doctor said that we need to try and keep the baby on the smaller side because if he was bigger then 7.5/8 pounds he would most likely get stuck and I would need a csection. So I had an ultrasound on Friday and he is measuring 8.5 pounds. Now the doctor said the ultrasounds could be off by 20% so we could have a 7 pounder or a 10 pounder we just never know. So he sent me home Monday with two options to think about and let him know tomorrow (Thursday) at my appointment. My two options are either schedule a csection or schedule an induction with no guarantee I won’t labor for hours and need a csection afterwards... I’m so torn and have no idea what to do... if you were in my shoes what would you do?