Well got my MRI results


I was in a pretty bad car accident a few months ago. Rear ended while I was stopped in traffic and the other car was doing 75 and texting 😒.

After having some sever neck pains we did an MRI. I have always known I had one benign tumor on my thyroid Which was biopsied 10 years ago. The MRI came back with the most horrifying image possible. I have a massive clusters of tumors on my thyroid. I’m due in 9 weeks so we won’t be doing much till after the baby is born. But they are talking thyroid removal and possible cancer treatment.

This is a standard vertebrae and how it should look somewhat.

This is my thyroid. All those black circles are tumors.

So I have been a little scared of what if it’s worse and I am going to end up leaving behind my babies from this.

Has anyone had this many thyroid masses and had a successful removal and not had any scary cancer complications?