Missed period?


So my period is 6 days late now, my typical cycle is 28 days long. My husband and I had sex pretty much every other day during my ovulation window. I took a test 3 days after my period was late and this morning, both negative. I have not missed a period since I was aggressively training for my swim team back in high school, and that was like 5 years ago now. I don’t just miss my period, even when I was on birth control I still had a full force period. I have not lost a lot of weight or been under an excessive amount of stress. Any other reason that I could of missed? Or am I pregnant and I just not long far enough for a positive test? How long did it take for you guys to get a positive test? I’ve had random, infrequent symptoms like food has tasted weird, been peeing a lot, my nipples sometimes look darker and others I think no they’re look normal, one of my breast feels fuller than the other and been nauseous. But most on the symptoms seem touch and go. My cervix sometimes feels super soft and swollen then like half way between hard like right before a period and being soft. I had a few cramps and I think ah heres my period but then they go away after a few minutes and no blood or spotting. Any ideas what’s going on?