HELP: How can i change cycle length in app?


**Cross posted from general ttc**

Hi ladies! My body is still regulating itself after getting off birth control about 5 months ago but I feel like I've finally hit my regular stride. My last 3 cycles have been 24 days on the nose which leads me to believe it's not a slightly early period coming every time on a 28 day cycle, but rather that this is just what my normal is. I have gone into my health profile and officially changed my "initial cycle length" to 24 days but the calendar is still stuck on predictions for a 28 day cycle. One would think after 3 cycles in a row of 24 days each, this app would automatically shift your predicted ovulation and period dates, but it isn't seeming to catch on. Sure I can count backwards and off set it myself but doesn't that defeat the purpose of the tracking app when I have to do the work?

Anyone have this issue or know how to fix?