Subchorionic Hemorrhage


For anyone who’s had one, how long did you spot? I had my big gush two weeks ago. Started spotting red/pink three days ago. Yesterday was my first full day of no bleeding, just lots of regular discharge again, but then I got pink spotting again today, just looks like a pink mucous-like discharge. Baby is fine, I heard her perfectly on the Doppler this morning, but this bleeding is quite annoying. My doctor isn’t even worried about bringing me in to see if it’s getting bigger or anything. Just wants me to watch for cramping and heavy bleeding. I’m the type of person that needs reassurance. Short phone calls are not helping me, I want to see on a screen what’s going on. 😐 but I’m also thinking maybe it can be my cervix irritated? Because I slipped up and let my bf and i have sex (but for a very short time because I was ready to get what I needed and go lol, and nothing rough at all) that was actually a day before the initial spotting started happening.