Vaginal Birth VS. C- SECTION


I don’t know which is best for this pregnancy but with my first baby I had to have a c section due to his heart rate dropping .. so NOW 4 years later my OB IS GIVING ME THE DECISION TO DO


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I am doing a repeat c-section because I have horrible luck and have no desire to rupture. My doctor is also not pro vbac and I love her so I wouldn’t switch just for that.


Posted at
I would shoot for a vaginal but keep a c-section as a possibility. I’m the opposite this time, I had a vaginal the first time but had so many complications that they are wary of letting me do it again. But right now I’m shooting for vaginal but have accepted a c-section is a possibility


♥️💍 • Mar 1, 2019
I will keep that in mind ❤️❤️


Posted at
I’m always for vaginal delivery when it’s safe / possible. It’s best for both mom and baby and the recovery is much better also.


J • Feb 28, 2019
Okay I can totally see that, but it’s completely different. Your body is designed for vaginal delivery, the body expands for that reason, and when the baby is born the pain is immediately gone and the rush of hormones is euphoric. I did non medicated vaginal delivery, had almost a third degree tear and I can tell you nothing about the pain during labor and delivery. The stitches on the other hand, those were not fun. Lol and also the pelvic floor, when properly recovered, heals really well to just as well if not better than before.


♥️💍 • Feb 28, 2019
See I’m kinda afraid of vaginal I don’t know what it feels like but it looks like horrible terrifying pain that I can’t handle lol


Posted at
I was not given that option. So i will have to have csection. I can't compare. However, that surgery was so hard on me.


♥️💍 • Feb 28, 2019
Yeah me to at first but that’s what I had at first so idk if I should do it again or try to experience the vaginal


Posted at
I had a c section after 36 hours of labor that included 3 hours of pushing. A c section was a relief! My dr is not pro VBAC therefore I’m sticking with him! I healed very well from my c section and actually seemed more comfortable then my friend who tore from natural birth. I feel like the scar is there, it’s a guarantee I won’t have to do 36 hours again and I feel the recovery will be better without 36 hours of sleep deprivation before. The bonus is getting my tubes tied during the procedure! Good luck with your decision!


Brittany • Mar 1, 2019
Ugh bc the didn’t realize he was turned the wrong way so he was right there but was never going to come out. And it didn’t really hurt because epidurals are the best thing in the world! I just was so exhausted I fell asleep in between each contraction and could barely stay awake during the c section


♥️💍 • Mar 1, 2019
Girl me too lol 😂 Iam too I don’t wanna push I’m scared 😟


♥️💍 • Mar 1, 2019
Wow that’s crazy why did you have to push for so long did it hurt


Posted at
I had a c-section for the same reason and then 2.5 years later had a VBAC. VBAC was a much easier recovery and just such a cool experience. I am planning on another VBAC this time.Plus if you plan on having more kids than this baby, it’s harder to find OBs who will okay VBA2C, so if you don’t try for a VBAC you usually sign up for surgery for every birth.