Beyond heartbroken 💔


So it appears it wasn’t meant to be, just a little back ground info, I have been getting faint positives and then negative tests over the last week. So I said I would leave it a few days and test again to hopefully see a darker line. I am now currently 15DPO, I can’t really go by period as I am very irregular.

Well I tested FMU with 3 different brands, 2 cheapies and chemist 6 days in advance. All 3 were a clear negative.

So it was either the cheap brand I was using was false positives or the doctor was right when she said it might end in a chemical pregnancy due to my history with fertility issues. If it is chemical I am still awaiting any bleeding, if anyone has any experiences please can you let me know.

I am beyond heartbroken, I have never seen a second line in the 10years I have been with my husband and I really was hoping we had proved the doctors wrong and that we could do it alone 😔 I guess I got my hopes up too quick!

It makes me question if I can handle emotionally continuing TTC, I am just in bits at the moment 💔