Artificial insemination


Morning ladies I have been a bit scared to write a post. I had a miscarriage earlier this year and my Dr referred us to a fertility specialist we struggled to fall pregnant and then a miscarriage. The 9th I started AF and I used Femara day 3 to 7 2,5mg. I only have a 24 or 25 day cycle. Day 8 I had to get a manactra injection Day 10 at 22:00 at night I had the trigger shot and Day 12 I had <a href="">IUI</a>. I have to go for my blood test on the 4th of March that’s next week Monday. I have been on progesterone since the day after <a href="">IUI</a>. This morning I had one slice of toast and drank my progesterone and all of a sudden I was extremely nauseous and my blood pressure fell I was extremely dizzy. Has this happened to anyone else? I am also so Dam scared to text on Monday scared of a BFN as this month on Femara I never felt any ovulation cramping no implanting cramping and this month I Only had one follicle as the other months I could actually feel all the cramping and had 2 and 3 follicles.