IUD & Implementation Bleeding

I have had an IUD inserted for 6 yrs, my husband and I have decided to have our first baby together. I got my period for 7 days last month, this month I had unprotected intercourse 2 days before my ovulation day. On my ovulation day, I had an appointment to have my IUD removed. Two days after ovulation I began feeling cramps around my left side area to the same area where my left ovary would be. I had cramps for two hold days, during the evening of my second around 10 pm I started bleeding 5 days before I was suppose to get my period. The bleeding last for about 5 days, the morning of the 5th day the bleeding stopped and I did not bleed out to the normal 7 days. The weird thing about it is how the bleeding stopped the day my period was suppose to begin. What are the odds of me getting pregnant once my IUD was removed? Had multiple sex 2 days before and the sperm is suppose to survive for about 6 days, could I have still gotten pregnant? Although, IUD was removed could it have still killed any chance of pregnancy since copper is considered toxic to sperms? I bled early too early is that normal or implementation bleeding?