
So I went to see my doctor today and she says my 2017 ultrasound report says I have fibroids growing in my uterus and it is probably why I am bleeding entire month or my period goes twice a month. They didn’t call or follow up with my 2017 report but they said everything looks normal it’s just prolly stress. In 2018 same thing again but they gave me birth control to help with my period get back to regular and now ive bleed entire month again or twice a month and been having lower back pains. Two weeks ago she gave me provera to drink for 10 days. My period start on the 15th and ended on the 21st and started again on the 27th. I went in today and she said it’s probably tumor and than she said I have fibroids growing in my uterus but will have to schedule another ultrasound again to make sure.