Anyone know babies weight at 33 weeks?

I went in for a growth scan yesterday at 33w6d and baby only measured 3lbs 14oz they said it’s an estimate but they seemed concerned. My OB is sending me on Monday to do a nonstress test and Thursday I have an appointment with a high risk OB to get a second opinion. They think I have IUGR (intrauterine growth restriction). At my 20 week anatomy scan he measured 14oz and the tech said that was perfect. At my scan yesterday she said his heart was fine (131 HR) brain was fine everything looked perfect just his weight. Does it have anything to do with me and my husbands birth weights him being 6lbs 5 oz me being 7lbs 11oz or is something wrong with my baby? My OB said something about having me induced at 38 weeks if I do in fact have IUGR. Has anyone’s baby been that small I’m so worried about a stillbirth or having him have to spend time in the NICU. I’ve read ultrasounds this late in pregnancy aren’t always accurate with the weight. I went into the ER for falling on my stomach at 29 weeks and they checked the baby and placenta and didn’t seem worried at all.