Discrimination or safety?


So my husband and I took our kids to this indoor playground at the mall today and there was a sign with the rules there that said "men r not allowed in the play area". Another bullet point said that children under 2 needed to be accompanied by a responsible female.

When I read that I didn't like it at all, but then I started thinking that maybe they had a bad experience where a man went in the play area and a child got molested, so that was the solution they found would be the most appropriate.

So I was wondering what u guys thought, assuming that a child did get molested, is this a good solution? Or is it discrimination? Would there be a better solution?

Edit: just to clarify, this was a private establishment, we had to pay to get in there. It also did not happen in the US (we r traveling in Mexico right now). In this indoor playground there were multiple play areas, the sign was exclusive only one of the play areas.