Screen time & my 10m old *1st update*

*1st update *

Thanks for all the advice mommies.

This is what we did today but I am not sure it’s working .

Everytime today, When my baby went to the TV crawling / asking for elders’ mobile; we played the same playlist he watches but on a Bluetooth speaker . The only reaction was he was confused as to where the audio was coming from but he couldn’t find video. Though he stood near the tv for a few minutes ; he went on to his other play while the songs were still on .

Is it ok for him to be confused / stunned not knowing where the song is coming from / where it’s playing ?

After a few hrs when he went to the tv again; we repeated the same & the he had the same confusion. Is this ok ?


Please pour in your ideas to make my 10m old stop asking for YouTube / TV time.

He watches a specific set of rhymes or songs in it & goes to the TV and stands near it crying & stops only when we play them on.

I know this is very bad for him & am worried this is becoming a habit now & he know by crying he can get it done. Thanks to the elderly at home for introducing the TV to him.

He just closes his eyes & cries / screams so much that I or his Dad yield & switch on the Idiot box