It feels like a loss


Ok so back story I have children with my ex husband and I’ll be the first to say I never loved him. I never knew what love was. We were kind of thrown together after 15 long years of being down trodden I left along with my children and began life as a single mother. For 3 years we were happy. Then I met the love of my life!! I had never felt like this before my own fairytale.. what had I done in my life to deserve this man!?!

Well after a couple of years being together and being stepmother to his children we decided that we would try for our own an extension of our love.. it’s not been easy I had to have surgery so after that we tried which at the end of March would of been a year. I’ve been on fertility drugs some have made me poorly but it’s what we wanted so you just do it.. however this week my world has crashed Monday was my peak on my opk so with him collecting my son late on I told him he would have to wake me if I was asleep.. knowing on the Tuesday he would have to be up at 4am to go away with work. He didn’t wake me until it was time to say goodbye Tuesday! I knew instantly

I told him I can’t get pregnant on my own which is when it came out he has changed his mind and his children are enough for him. He doesn’t think he could have a baby again. So today I’m going through the nursery we have decorated to sell everything