Taking femera/ovulation

Angel Rogers • 24 years old • Wife [9.9.17] • 2 blighted ovums 8/17/18 & 12/7/18 •TTC our rainbow 🌈 I have PCOS and blood clotting disorder

For those of you who have taken femara for ovulation... what day do you normally ovulate? And have you ever ovulated one cycle and then didn’t another cycle? I’ve taken it 3 times. The first time I ovulate on cd15 and 2nd time I ovulated on day 13 or 14. And this time I’m not sure. I’m on cd 15 right now and I got a dark line on day 10 but it wasn’t as dark as the control but was close. And after that the line got lighter.. could I have ovulated super early and just missed my surge? I should ovulate since I did the other two times taking it right? Same dosage all 3 times. Last two times I had egg white mucus but this time all I’ve seen is super watery.