School problems


I’m gonna try and keep it as short as possible because I don’t think u guys wanna listen to my sob story but I really need advice

I’m 15 and I only have a few friends that are girls and the rest are boys. The girls randomly stopped speaking to me and I didn’t know why so I was really confused. They started giving me dirty looks and all but I usually hang out with the boys anyway so it wasn’t like I became a loner or anything. But for the past month or so this one girl in particular has been trying so hard to make my friends (boys) dislike me and it seems to be working .. like she’ll butt into any convo I’m having or keep dragging a convo with them so I don’t have a chance to speak to them. I’m pretty sure some of the boys have started disliking me because they don’t talk to me as much anymore and I don’t know what to do because the “friends” that have started disliking me were some of the people closest to me so it’s hitting really hard atm. I’m crying whenever I come home or even in school I just feel shitty af and Idk what to do because i couldn’t confront them if I wanted to, I really don’t want it to escalate and these girls are the definition of escalation and exaggeration. The reasons they stopped talking to me - its a list - are just petty and that’s a whole other story. Please tell me what to do