Would AF show if I was pregnant?

I miscarried Dec 29th so that had a roll in why I was bleeding so much but anyways I bled from January 1st to January 24th and I stopped for the 6 days because I was taking progesterone then continued to bleed for the 4 days.

Right now it’s super super light it’s spotting and I have been for a few days but I felt like I needed today be the date since I’ve been spotting and it’s not getting heavier right anything. I usually have heavy flows. This one is really different I have more clear CM with the little bit of blood there’s no odd Oder or itch or anything wrong it’s just really different this time. I had unprotected sex on the Feb 13th and then again Feb 26th (He came in me this time) so would AF still show if I am pregnant? I’m taking a test on Monday

•• Symptoms ••

I’m really nauseous when I wake up in the morning, my breast have been sore/tingling for almost 3 weeks now. I’ve been craving a lot of cheese and hot Cheetos lately. When I go to make anything I would usually like (ex- pizza, baked chicken, baked frys..ect) it makes me sick to my stomach like I could puke. I have had diarrhea for 2 weeks off and on. I started spotting yesterday. I have lower back pain and abdomen pain