Is it normal to go #2 alot during 3rd trimester?

I been going to the bathroom #2 probably 4-5 times a day and it's crazy this has never happened to my other two trimester. Am 33 weeks & 5 days.

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As long as it's not diarrhea and you're not getting dehydrated you're fine


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Mention to your OB and make sure you're staying hydrated.


K • Mar 3, 2019
Not necessarily. Going frequently can cause dehydration due to loss of fluid. She didnt describe her bowel movements lol...but either way she's losing water.


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TMI; At my anatomy scan the tech had to come back because I was in the bathroom taking like 3 normal sized bowel movements at once, no idea why, didn't eat/drink any diuretics, wasn't painful. It bodies are just weird while making a baby 😂


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Girl, when I was in labor having contractions I pooped like 5x I couldn’t hold it anymore it was the worst feeling ever! 😭 but I’m pretty sure is normal. I rather be pooping then be constipated lol


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Pooping alot pregnant or not should be a concern it can be nothing but it can be something serious i would talk to your ob about it