All the ladies saying it’s so easy to leave.. let me know how

I hate my fiancé... I know you all will say “just leave” it’s not that easy...

I knew this man 10 years... he told me he wanted to marry me the moment he met me... we have been together 2 years.. haven’t been married yet.. when we got together it was fucking amazing!!! I was enamored with him, he convinced me to leave my job, work with him, make a baby...

we made one, I love her..

I want to leave.. my only option? Go to a woman’s shelter.. I would lose my son!!! I can’t leave, I have no family to support me, he has no family that would take us in... if they did I would be scraping by with a 5 year old and a baby.. it’s not possible.. if i went to a shelter I would lose custody of my son.... he is my sunshine... I want to leave to leave to a homeless shelter but I would lose my son... I have to deal... I have to.. my children are right upstairs.. if I lost my son, my life would be worthless, if I lost my daughter, I couldn’t bare... I wish I didn’t have multiple children so I could fucking end it and trust my baby would be cared for.. but one of my babies could go to him!!!!!!! I need an out!!! I want to die, without my children I will die!!! I have no other. I have no other reason... I need to love for them.. as much as I want to die, they are my Jesus... but would they be better without me??’noooo has ugh I need to live for them.. I need to leave.. for them... but how???? Without losing my son in the process?? JFK I would rather he strike me down

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Why would you lose your son? It’s usually women and children so doesn’t matter child’s gender


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Why would you lose your son? That’s literally the point of shelters... to get women AND children out of these types of situations.


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Im not understanding why you’re so convinced you’ll lose your son. There are women & children housing to help women get back on their feet. You don’t have friends? Where is all your family?


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Where do you get this idea that you’ll lose your children if you are in a shelter? I am not sure if that’s true. If I were you, I would call the national domestic abuse hotline and get more information. Do you work? Can you start saving money to move out?


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Why do you want to leave? If it’s not due to abuse or issues that would require you to leave in the middle of the night, then why don’t you just talk to him one on one? If he cares about you, he will listen to your concerns and you can come up with a plan together. You don’t have to go to a woman’s shelter and lose your child. You can split up amicably to where you don’t have to rely on family or friends.


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Do what's best for you and baby. If he loves y'all, he will change. It's not easy to leave... I put up with cheating, rape, abuse... and it took my husband trying to hit me with the car after dropping my son at my mom's when he kicked me out and the police telling me not to go back to him this time before I found the strength..