


So I have never been sexually activated in all my 29 years of living. Though I go solo occasionally. However, for the past week, I have developed some bumps down there. If counting correctly, there’s 3-4. They don’t itched but when I walk, it does rub together, making it painful. I have touched it to see how it feels and omg it hurts. I just don’t know how these developed and how long it’ll be here.

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I am 14 and not sexually active and used to get those bumps down there too. What I did was did hot compress and try to squeeze stuff in there if it feels like there is a mass under there. It hurt because it was right in between down there and my leg and pus came out with boiling hot compress. Just put a cup of water in the microwave and then dip a towel in it and put it down there for a few minutes and squeeze, it most likely will hurt.


A • Mar 3, 2019
The first few tries anything didn’t come out but doing it again like a few hours later helped and stuff kept coming out after the day went on and I continued with the hot compress and pressing to see if anything came out


Emily • Mar 3, 2019
Ditto on it hurting. I don’t have a lot of towels laying around so I ended up using the shower head. It burns but at the same time, I’m like, yeah suffer!


A • Mar 3, 2019
Mine was most likely an ingrown hair, according to the internet


Posted at
Is it possible they are ingrown hairs? Or have you switched soaps/detergent?


Emily • Mar 3, 2019
No, I didn’t switch soaps or detergent. It can be ingrown hair. Owww