Have I hurt my baby?

I am currently 14 weeks pregnant after TTC for a year. I tested a day before AF and it was positive. Two weeks after I started having severe nausea and vomiting. Was diagnosed with hyperemesis gravidarum and have been in and out of hospital since. Dehydration led to me not passing urine and being given over 10L of IV fluids. I lost count . Was a twin pregnancy but lost the one during this time.I have been so sick and can’t keep anything down so obviously I haven’t been able to take my vitamins or folic acid or anything. At 12 weeks I had a cocktail that works for me now. I take Diclegis at night and Zofran midday. If I miss any dose it’s a bout of nausea and vomiting . I have to take them to be able to function and go to work as I have no more sick days or leave days. Now I worry if not taking my vitamins in the first trimester will cause my baby to have spina bifida. Or if this cocktail of drugs will be harming my baby. A

Anyone not take folic acid in first trimester and baby ok? I am so worried.