Repeat a-section question


I'm scheduled to have my 2nd c-section on March 13th, and was wondering if any of you mommies who have had more than one ended up going in early? Last Monday I was having BH contractions but they were in my lower back also, so L&D wanted me to come in for monitoring when it seemed one lasted 2 hours straight. They ended up giving me a shot to stop them and sent me home. (36w6d)and also said they weren't "cervical changing contractions" well since than I have still been having them just not in my back. I'll be 38 weeks tomorrow. Does it matter if they are cervical changing when you are have g a c-section? I haven't lost my plug, I'm not leaking fluid and water hasn't broken. I thought all of that didnt matter with a repeat c-section. ??

Do I keep watching the BH and see how close they are? Menstrual cramp feeling. than rock hard stomach.