TWW! Cycle Buddies Anyone??



Already tempted to test ! LOL !! It's so hard to remain patient during the tww srsly.

My FF chart so far (a lot of open circles I know but its been a crazy month):

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I'm 9DPO in my TWW! Cheers girls!! Let's keep each other posted. In it together!


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7dpo here...had a dip with some cramping yesterday and today my temp shot back up...could this be it?...trying to convince myself to wait until the 8th to test... hopefully aunt flow won't show by then


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I’m in my TWW wait too and new to charting on FF, what do the open circles mean? Good luck to you! 🤞🏻🙏🏻Here’s my chart so far


Rebecca • Mar 4, 2019
I had the same problem too...ive gotten better but i still forget to set an alarm on the


Kylie • Mar 4, 2019
Oh right! I need to get better at that


Rebecca • Mar 3, 2019
Means temps weren't taken at the same time


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6dpo huge dip this morning and cramps. Baby dust to all 😁


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My chart today...anybody else know if they are in or out yet?...I'm thinking AF is coming for me...I hope the rest of you avoid her this month


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I adjusted my chart because on Fri, Sat and Sun I'd woken up twice technically..first temps were when i woke up for the second time and now adjusted temps are when i woke up first time in the middle of the night . Confusing I know! I was sick those 3 days and woke myself up sneezing repeatedly lol.Anyway, this is my chart now. Still testing negative :( crossing my fingers for you all though!


Rebecca • Mar 8, 2019
Took a test today and it was negative....and ive been having warning cramps the last three days...but my temp is still above the coverline so fingers crossed