“Claiming” baby names?

Mari • ʙᴏʏ ᴍᴀᴍᴀ x2

Light and barely “controversial” topic, but looking for some thoughts on the subject. I’ll move to another room if people get bent out of shape over it. 😂

Sooo I stumbled across a post on reddit about a woman who wanted to use the name Grayson for her baby boy (forget when she was due) but her SIL threw a fit because she wanted to use that name for her *future* son. The lady didn’t know she wanted that name for a *future* kid. The SIL is single (obviously she could have a baby while single if she wanted to) and isn’t pregnant. The woman’s husband doesn’t want to use it now cause he doesn’t want drama with his sister but the woman is in love with the name and can’t imagine naming their baby something else. Would you still name your kid the name you want even if another family member “claimed” it?

Personally I would’ve been like “look, I’m pregnant now and this is the name that I want for our kid. I’m not going to not use it because you plan to use it for a kid that hasn’t even come into existence yet and might not for a few years.” Also, I think there is nothing wrong with cousins having the same name. I’ve seen it in a lot of families and they get on just fine lol.

I don’t know if I’m just weird but I’ve had a list of baby names for years now that I want to use for my *future* babies. I’ve showed it to my SIL cause we love talking about baby names lol. I would be upset if she used one of them but it wouldn’t deter me from still naming my child that. Thankfully though she’s into tropical/hawaiian names (they live in Hawaii) and I’m into more earthy names. Even then both of our tastes in names could change by the time we pop out some babes. *hopefully soon* 🤞🏼 but yeah.. let me know what you think! 🤔