Elaina Marie🥰❤️😍


At 39 weeks +4 days contractions finally started. . .

I was in the nursery putting together some on the go bags (outfit, diaper, socks, bib etc.) as a way to distract myself from how impatient I was becoming to meet my baby girl.

I started to get tired from going through all her little newborn outfits and taking in everything that reminded me of how pregnant I still was😩. Finally before deciding to go to bed I used the bathroom and noticed I had lost a lot of mucus plug, I was also getting cramps and found it difficult to get comfortable in bed.

After about an hour I was back on the toilet for the 100th time and found myself having contractions while trying to have a bowel movement, excitedly I called my sister and yelled to my husband that it was time to start counting contractions!

After many contractions I decided to head to the hospital, I figured I was golden and this was go time.

After getting situated I was checked and Cervix was 3 cm dilated 😳🤦‍♀️

I took that opportunity to jump in the jacuzzi tub and wait for contractions to pick up 🙌

Did some walking, bounced on ball, danced around with my hubby & waited be be rechecked...

4cm dilated 😩

I was told because it was late I could stay the night and wait until morning to check progress...

At around 7 am I noticed contractions became less consistent and after being rechecked I was still 4 cm & got sent home 😞

Ate some breakfast, took a nap, had lots of sex and I was back to the hospital with stronger contractions by 2:00 pm

Still 4 cm🤦‍♀️ ... but a little closer to 5🤷‍♀️

I was given the option of pitocin and after a few hours of no progress decided that was my best option.

2 contractions after pitocin was given & my water broke!!!!

Cervix was rechecked...

Still 4 cm dilated!! 😳😭🤬

I gave in to an epidural and after only a few short minutes found relief. I figured this was my chance to settle in and I was going to nap! ...


A few contractions later & I was feeling intense pressure. Called the nurse in & was reassured that pressure is normal and to just go along with it , but to ease my mind she rechecked and sure enough it was time to push!!!!!🙌

Dr. Came rushing in while nurses set up and within two pushes my daughter was in his arms before the nurses had time to finish prepping the bed.

Elaina was born 3/2/2019 @ 6:59pm weighing 7 lbs 13 oz!!!