Dad and mom cheating on each other


So I mad a post a couple months ago abt how I caught my mom cheating on my dad. I told her what I saw she didn’t really care but yesterday I’ve been realizing my mom is keeping other secret she . So my dad has also been cheating on her from the message I think my dad had sex with his bm every weekend he goes to her house to watch their baby while she’s @ work . But she’s been texting the bm aurging with her calling her a whore home wrecker and she’s telling my dad to move tf out and how she’s gonna kill him and she doesn’t care if he tells the police and whateva my mom can get crazy I’ve seen her killer side before and I’m scared for her and my dad bc as I mentioned months ago he use to abusive her . I don’t want things to start up again like before cause if my dad gets locked up again he’s not coming out .