Should children be taught consent from birth?

Dani • Let all that you do be done in love 🌹

I saw a recent Facebook video of a mother in the UK that teaches her children that EVERYONE, family or not, must ask them consent to touch them, even just ticking them. She said she wants them to feel comfortable with their body and having the right to say no. The host disagreed with her saying that family shouldn’t have to consent when tickling or something so harmless and it’s unnecessary to request family and friends to do that for her children. I saw another post about a mother who from birth gets “consent” to do even things like change their diaper or pull up. She explains what she’s doing to them even if they can’t understand her. She wants them to know that it’s their body and they have control over what happens to it.

Would you teach your children consent from birth or do you feel these are extreme measures?

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