Decrease in symptoms



I know if I scroll far enough I’ll probably find this exact post; and I also know that a) there’s nothing I can do at this point and b) I’m still too early to even have many symptoms at all...but whatever. I also know I should probably be grateful for minimal discomfort but I’ve had one chemical and we tried 15 months before finally getting this one (with the help of <a href="">IUI</a>). So I’m so scared of losing this one too.

I’m 6w1d and I feel like my (few) symptoms are decreasing with no new ones starting ...I had mild intermittent cramping through week 4 into 5 but nothing since Wednesday (though maybe I’m just super well-hydrated), breast tenderness is a lot less than before, and no signs of any morning sickness or aversions or anything. Fatigue is basically unchanged but it hasn’t been bad to begin with. Pregnancy tests continued to get darker over week 4-5.5 but I haven’t taken one in several days.

So nervous about what my ultrasound on Wednesday will show.

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Posted at
It’s totally normal to see a decrease in symptoms. I had some mild cramping in early pregnancy, doc said it could be dehydration or constipation and after some laxatives and a lot of water the cramping went away. As for all the other symptoms I like you felt them decrease at around 6w but once I hit 8w they were back full force. I am now currently 16w and they have not eased up!! Enjoy this time without symptoms, I know it’s hard especially after a loss or a chemical but try to not stress out. Prayers for a healthy pregnancy 💕


Clara • Mar 5, 2019
Thanks! Appreciate the reassurance!! 💜


Posted at
I’m only 10 weeks but I’ve had minimal symptoms at best. Some acne and crazy dreams and now some bloat throughout the day.... nothing else. It’s very concerning but I just heard the heartbeat again today so doctor seems to think all is well. I know it’s hard but just try to keep thinking positive until you have solid reason not to❤️ sending positive thoughts your way


Clara • Mar 5, 2019
I like that a lot-stay positive until there’s absolute reason not to. Thanks!!


Posted at
Its perfectly normal for symptoms to come and go. I had the same concerns. My doctor said its fine.


Clara • Mar 5, 2019
Thank you for the reassurance it helps!!