Need breastfeeding and pumping help!!!


Hi! I have a lot of questions about breast feeding! I have tried to look them up and cannot find any answers!

My baby is three weeks old and BF very well. But in my right breast I seem to be overproducing a ton. My right breast is constantly leaking, hurting and hard as a rock. So I pump to relieve the pain, but I know pumping makes you produce more too. It seems like an endless cycle. When I feed on my right side it seems to come out so fast that my baby always chokes on the milk. I’ve read online not to pump it but I don’t know how to relieve it. I try and feed my baby on the left side to up my production. I’m not really sure how to even out my supply or reduce the pain. Do you guys have any tips? Should I be pumping or not? Is there a way to even it out and reduce pain? If so, how??