Done after almost 5 weeks

Elizabeth • Aubrey Rose 1/31/19 ❤️👨‍👩‍👧 Baby #2 February 2025

So last week I noticed a burning sensation and hardness in both my boobs. It steadily got worse each day. I also stopped breastfeeding Thursday because my nipples had shooting pain when she'd latch. Turns out I have a yeast infection and an over supply. I got some cream from the dr yesterday but now I'm in even more pain. Pumping doesn't relieve it. I pumped for an hour and didn't even get 2oz from the right side. I usually get 6oz from each side, sometimes more. My boobs are still rock hard and I'm almost in tears. I'm hoping my Dr can help me quickly dry up my supply. I literally can't sleep or even hold my baby because of the pain. Thankfully, I have almost 250oz frozen so she can still get my milk for a bit longer, but this just really sucks.