I’m so scared to lose my bond

I’ve been back at work for a month now and I’m so scared I’m going to lose my bond with my son. This has been a fear of mine from the beginning but last night I don’t know if it became a reality. I got home from work and my husband gives me my son right away like he always does, and right away he starts crying and won’t stop. This also could have been because he was hungry but normally I get a good 30 mins with him after I get home before he’s hungry. Anyways, I feed him, cook dinner and my husband and I eat. Then I hold him again and he starts crying and will not calm down for anything, my husband comes over to grab my son to help me, and he stops crying instantly. My husband works from home so is here all the time, I will be able to work from home in about 3-4 months but I’m so scared my son is losing our bond. By the time I get home and to his bedtime I get maybe 4 hours with him if I’m lucky. Our son is 3 months and I’m just so scared and can’t stop crying