Should I tell her?

Long story short, I’ve been friends w this guy for about a year and a few months. We both are in relationships so I thought “okay, I won’t have to worry about him coming on to me”. Well Recently, it seems like any time he and his girlfriend are having troubles, he looks for attention from me, and he definitely crosses boundaries w the things that he says. Like the other day we hung out and I have a cold, so I asked him if there was anything he wanted me to do so he didn’t get it, just to try to be nice. He said to “keep distance and don’t cough on him” and I told him “it’s not like I was going to kiss you” and he started talking about how he would actually want me to kiss him, and when I mentioned his girlfriend he told me “A kiss is a kiss” bc they’ve been having issues, and told me after he left that he wanted to kiss me but was too scared, might do it next time, etc. I feel horrible for this girl bc I’ve been on the opposite side of this and it’s beyond hurtful. But my boyfriend says I should stay out of it. Should I tell her?