Help.. Do I go or not?

I dont have someone to talk about these things with so im hopinng someone can give me advice... Me and my boyfriend are supposed to be travelling to Australia in 3 weeks to backpack for a year. Recently we’ve been having arguments a lot and ive started to really think about things and how im really feeling. Lately I havent wanted to have sex with him and i just want to be on my own.

I dont even know where to start with the story of how we got here but it just seems like one big mess, the relationship has really beenn about helping each other weve both suffered with anxiety and him depression and its had a massive toll on our relationship. I feel like ive got nothing more to give and im tired of the circles we go in.

lately i seem to not want to be around him and him me, weve spoke about things last night and today and weve had troubles for a while now and today i realised that if we go to australia i just feel like its a show to cover up how we actually feel and were hoping when we go our feelings will change.

This probably doesnt make sense to be honest im not good at opening up but i just need some advice

Im worried that if i go to australia we’re going to fall out and break up because im not sure i can give anymore to the relationship, or do i go and have faith in us and hope we can survive it?

Or do i wait and reapply for a visa and do it on my own?