Husband back to work - help?! Long post, sorry!

So we are first time parents and our baby girl will be 8 weeks on tuesday. She has colic from about week 2 and IT. WAS. HORRENDOUS. Constant screaming and crying sometimes 24 hours a day. Eventually we gave up and i went to stay with my mum and dad for a few days just so i could get some help /sleep. Babygirl has settled down a lot since that week but still suffers and has good and bad days.

Husband went back to work 2 weeks ago. He made it clear he wouldnt be able to go into work after the sleepless nights we were having to put up with (whilst he was off from work he was very helpful. Woke up and did all night feeds with me - formula baby and changing diapers etc) but since he started work i feel like we are not wanted. For the last two weeks i have been going to stay with my mum with baby from Sun-Friday and then back for the weekend with husband just so he can have a good nights sleep and go to work. Annoyingly, some nights when iv been at my mums ill see that its like 1/2am and he still hasnt gone to bed yet even though he has work the next morning. This week however we decided to see how we get on with baby through the night and if it affects his ability to go into work. Needless to say we are struggling abit. In my opinion, babygirl hasnt even been that bad but every morning husband has been waking up complaining about how his sleep has been messed up and hes going to have a crap day at work now. She sleeps for a decent stretch atm. E.g she can go down for 12.30am and wakes up for around 6am. I have been taking her downstairs at 6am when she wakes up bt usually i wait and see if she will self soothe for abit and go back to sleep (or if i put a paci in her mouth she may sleep for another hour) but this odd grunting of hers when she wakes or some noises she makes or a little cry and hubby has been getting annoyed. Then next day he will complain about how hes had a headache all day or not feeling well and ill feel guilty for not acting fast enough in getting her out the room or wondering if im doing something wrong for her not to be sleeping enough? Iv got her all day aswell and she naps on a very ad-hoc basis in the day (mainly wants to be in ur arms) so i cant nap in the day and at night im also only getting about 4/5 hours sleep if im lucky yet have to look after her all day and even when husband comes home, he gives her a kiss and jumps in the shower then wants to go ‘relax’ cus work was tiring. He then will dissapear into our game room for a few hours and listen to music, chill out until her last feed around 11pm which he then comes down to help me with and then goes back upstairs for another hour whilst i rock her to sleep for about 30-45 mins. When i complain that im over worked, he says i should consider going back to my mums again for a few days because he obviously cant help whilst hes tired from working. He does love our little girl so much and sometimes he will be absolutely great with her and feeds and changes her and plays with her bt mainly on the weekend. In the week i feel really lonely and over worked. Iv asked him if he would consider being a stay at home dad and i will work and hes said he cant do that. Lol. Sorry for the rant ladies, just have no one else to talk to about this. Anyone else in a similar situation? Or have any advice? Thanks!