

So the guy that I have been talking to....lately he has just been acting weird. I got a puppy this past weekend, I went shopping for puppy food and my phone died. I went straight home. He was literally at my house saying "I tried texting you and you weren't responding!!!"

Last night my roommates didnt show up to my place till about 12:30 in the morning. I was excited because I got to shower long, enjoy my life...

He called me saying how worried he was and that I apparently needed him. I said "Austin. I am in bed. It is bedtime. Let me sleep. Goodnight "

45 minutes later, he showed up at my house. Of course I was asleep. I was so angry

And now the roommates are going away this weekend and hes angry because I said I wanted it to myself to enjoy it. What do you guys think I should do? Is this a red flag for something even more crazy???

We have been talking since October.