Reconnecting with old childhood friends..


It's about a relationship, just a platonic one, not sure if it's completely off topic to this group 🤔

Have you or anyone of your old childhood friends reconnected with you.

I always wondered how old friends I used to be best friends with are doing. I recently added an old best friend of mine on Facebook.

But I feel like it would be weird to message her, we lost contact after we went to different high schools, we haven't spoken in probably 16 years.

There was another best friend I had, I saw on Instagram her nan had passed away but we hadn't spoken in so many years I didn't say anything. Her nan was always really nice to me and I used to go around every weekend. That kind of got me thinking of old friends.

I've never had an old friend re connect with unless it was a guy trying to hit on me 🙄