New car....

So I had got my taxes ( thankful for it ) we were hoping in getting a vehicle with it , so we ended up cashing the check out so we had the money .

We get back home we were all happy and what not , than the next day comes and my SO takes the money with him to work ( almost 5K ) I wasnt tripping but it was weird cause I mean we were home what the hell the money is going to fly away or I felt like damn but let shit be we finally go to look at a vehicle and we End up getting it right , I honestly didnt feel as happy because I felt like this was his car & not ours.... Before I had a little nissan sentra it was a little old but got us to point a and point b , mind you My SO never cleaned it out , never worried about changing the oil dodnt ever care if I wanted or needed to go to the store .

& NOW I have to ask to go to the store in the new car , he would take the key with him to work " because he left something in there " I told him what the fuck dude ? Is this our car or yours cause I mean you're at work dude And you know I'm not going to leave anywhere with out telling you .

Like yesterday we didn't have no food and I told him " hey can I go get some grocery just to eat and for lunch for you " and hes like Why you want to go with out me ? Mmmhhmmmm & I'm just like damn dude I was going to go in the old car , but I guess we will eat ramen noodles for breakfast since We have to wait . ( he works where we live at the property ) but its like hes never tripped about me going to the store and now I have to ask , I have to wait . and Oohhh When I drive also Hes bitching to me about the most little shit , about how fast or slow I am going , be careful with this and that but when he drives he's going over bumps and all this bullshit .

Cleaning out the car , checking the oil doing all this shit he never does....

And its like what the fuck ?

i am never the one to be Greedy and say " its my car " when technically it is but I see it as OUR car and tbh it sucks because I just aint happy with it , not happy with getting a vehicle although it might be good that we upgraded especially Expecting our little one in 3 months and we have a 4 and 5 year old... But its like hes just so Fuckin ugly with it.... I kinda regret getting it....

When he had his infinty before he was the same , I couldn't drive it to the store he had to take me or his mom was bitching that why was I driving the car that its His brothers ( his brother had gave/lent him the car ) and I was like wait what ? It never occured to anybody no problems when all we had was my Only car the nissan....

I just feel so frustrated and its not fair....