Baby girl middle name

I’ve known for a while what I would name my second daughter if I ever had one. We are french-canadians so the names are in french but :

We named our first daughter Alexanne Ève. She was born July 22nd 2015, and she has dark blonde hair and grey eyes (her dad’s twin)

Baby #2 is a boy. Now boy’s names I always struggled with. In the end we named him Xavier Gabriel to honnor my husband’s late dad and brother. He was born on October 25th 2017.

Baby #3 will be named Chloé but we still hesitate for a middle name. We know we want it to start with J though, I like Jade. The only thing is the three names don’t necessarily match? #1 and 2 have the x sound and #2 and 3 rhyme.... What did you name your kid? Any name ideas?