2017 birth story (kinda funny, long, and TMI)


My birth story is old, but I'm finally ready to share it. 10/1/17 (39 weeks exactly) my husband and I decided to do pregnancy dancing, then sex to induce labor. I had gone on several walks that weekend and worked a very hectic shift that week. 10/2/17 I woke up about 1:30a to some cramping. I didn't think much of it until I realized it hurt really bad and my dog was laying almost on top of me. I started timing contractions and they were increasing. I called the hospital and they said drink water and take tylenol. I did, no improvement. I decided to wake hubs and tell him we needed to take our older kids to daycare and head to the hospital. When we got there, the contractions had almost completely stopped, but I was dilated to a 3.5 and 70% effaced. We took the option to walk for an hour. My husband had me walk up 4 stories of stairs 3 times and the whole perimeter of the hospital 🤣. We went back and they still weren't consistent but I was then dilated to a 4. They sent us home so we decided to get some last minute baby items and eat Mexican food for lunch. After that, I went home to take a nap (I only got about 2 hours since 1:30). Went to my mom's for dinner, came home and contractions increased again but i wasn't sold that i needed to go to the hospital. Hang up with my mom, stand, my water broke! Called her back, still wasn't convinced I needed to go back. She MADE my husband take me. Get to the hospital, confirmed water breaking. I was dilated to a 6. Tell them I had decided for an epidural. I was at a 7 when he showed up. RIGHT before he came in, I felt the urge to poop. Y'all, I barely even got my undies off before I EXPLODED. Poop was everywhere. He walked in as I was laying back down and he has a slight disgusted look on his face. I almost cried. Get the epidural, finally starting like I can take a nap and my daughter's HR dropped. Every 30 min they are running in to move me and wipe up for crap running down my bed. Poop just flowed out of me like lava. Seriously, they ran out of towels! 😱 I cried to the nurses so much because of it. Finally, I'm ready to push and my daughter decides she isn't ready afterall and they had to put me on pitocin to get her ready again. 10/3/17 at 7:41am my sweet girl made her way into the world with 4 sets and a 2nd degree tear. She is the most beautiful little jerk toddler I have met and I love her! Most importantly, if I ever get pregnant again, I'm not eating greasy food or getting the epidural!