Is pumping anymore worth it?

L • FTM ❤️ Jan 9

Getting ready to go back to work and trying to decide whether or not to keep pumping... looking for advice and suggestions.

Due to a difficult birth and recovery on both of our parts I’ve barely been able to breastfeed and my milk has never come in enough to be sufficient. I currently pump about half of what he eats by pumping every time he eats, which is about 6-8 times a day.

I’m a teacher and when I go back it will be difficult to pump. We don’t really have extra rooms and I can’t just leave my students. I know they have to let me, but I am not comfortable with making it complicated. I can try to pump at lunch, but I only get 25 minutes and I normally pump for 30. My prep is 5.5 hours after school starts, so I might be able to wait until then...

But I guess my big question is, how much would you work for only 2-3 oz every pumping session when you can only provide half of what he needs anyways? Is it even worth it?

Also- I hate pumping... but I like providing nutrient and immunity rich milk for him.